Friday, September 28, 2012

Week 2 Family Dynamics

There are several theories that try to explain how families work as a whole. The systems theory is explained as parts working together to create a whole, it sets roles, rules and boundaries. The exchange theory can be described as striving to keep costs lower than rewards in interaction: you do favors to get favors. Symbolic interaction theory is explained as how different people perceive interacting experiences differently. A head nod might mean something different to on person than to another. Also, their thoughts and beliefs can be changed by an experience. The conflict theory is when people strive to meet their needs by interacting with the people who have the resources. It is a power struggle, whoever has power is going to "win."

I understand my family well using the systems theory. I learned through this class how important boundaries are. Everyone should have a clear boundary with every one in the family. This means you define what is and is not acceptable to share or be involved in. An example of a clear boundary between a mother and father is they communicate well, and let each other know what works and what doesn't work for them. A rigid boundary is where you don't communicate very well with the family member; you maybe avoid them, or go around them and don't share feelings with them. An open boundary is where you may share too much information with a family member that can hinder your relationship. An example is a  mother sharing information about the father to her daughter. This open boundary does not help the family work together to become whole. In my family I have noticed all three sets of boundaries. It has really helped me notice what my family needs to work on.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Strong Families Are Important!

As a member of the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints I always knew families are central to God's plan for the eternal destiny of His children (That can be found in 'The Family: A Proclamation to the World'). I knew that having love at home and having a home where the holy spirit could be present is VERY important because that is what truly makes us happy, and is what Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want. With that being said, I never knew economically the importance of strong families. In class this past week we have been studying trends of families over time. One trend in particular we spent more time on, which is the decreasing of the fertility rate. The fertility rate is the total births per women in a year. A continual low fertility rate has negative effects on the economy. The total earth population will slowly decrease, so there are more old people than young people in the world. Which means there will be less incoming workers and it will be a greater challenge to continue productivity. Married couples need to keep having children! It also came to my attention that in the Family: A Proclamation to the World which says "Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets." The world will become disarray  if the institution of the family is destructed! It is our responsibility to give children bodies to fulfill God's plan. If families who are able and loving don't have many children, those children still need to have bodies. They will have the possibility of going to a family who can't support the children and fulfill their needs.

Thursday, September 20, 2012