Friday, November 9, 2012

Week 8 Families Under Stress

Crises in families are given as opportunities to grow. A crisis necessitates a change in systems in the family. I wish my parents viewed crises or stressful situations like this, so our family could have come out of it stronger. Their are two basic ways to handle stressful events, either to lean upon each other and work together as a whole to come out of the situation and being positive, or panic and blame and be very negative about the situation. Most of the stressors in my family were financial or work related. My mom would get so overwhelmed because she would work so hard and long hours at work, and still not be able to pay the bills. She would go into a depression for a time. I do not blame her for the way she dealt with things. I am just sad that our family missed an opportunity to grow stronger. 

God commands us to be cheerful, so we should approach our problems with cheer. Replace bad thoughts with good thoughts. Sometimes you have to actually tell yourself  "Stop!" and them think about it more positively. One useful way to talk about a solution to a bad situation is to define and describe reality with no judgement and no blame and brainstorm ways to work together to come out of the crisis. This will help you be resilient and bounce right back up after the crisis.

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