Everyone has their own way to communicate. Some people use sarcasm, some people are more passive, some people use more non-verbal cues, and some people are blunt and say exactly what is on their mind. It is important to mete-communicate, to talk about how to communicate effectively with each other. This will solve many miscommunication problems. It is hard to decode sarcasm, since people say the exact opposite of what they mean, and you can get confused very easily. It is found that communication is done with 14% words, 35% tone of voice, and 51% with non-verbal cues.
That is really informative to understand that. My actions really do mean more than my words! People pick up on body language more than spoken words.
It is important for a married couple and family to develop shared meanings of symbols. One general authority made the statement that we should speak so clearly that there is no way we can be misunderstood. Counseling with councils is a great way to solve problems, get input from everyone in the family and then ask Heavenly Father for guidance. Not trying to solve it solely on your own.
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